Lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in immune system cells called lymphocytes. Like other cancers, lymphoma occurs when lymphocytes are in a state of uncontrolled cell growth and multiplication.
Lymphocytes are white blood cells that move throughout the body in a fluid called lymph. They are transported by a network of vessels that make up the lymphatic system, part of the immune system. The lymphatic system - whose job it is to fight infections or anything else that threatens the body - is also comprised of lymph nodes that exist throughout the body to filter the lymph that flows through them. The lymph nodes swell and tenderize when a large number of microbial organisms collect inside of them, indicating local infection.
Lymphocytes are white blood cells that move throughout the body in a fluid called lymph. They are transported by a network of vessels that make up the lymphatic system, part of the immune system. The lymphatic system - whose job it is to fight infections or anything else that threatens the body - is also comprised of lymph nodes that exist throughout the body to filter the lymph that flows through them. The lymph nodes swell and tenderize when a large number of microbial organisms collect inside of them, indicating local infection.
Aku enda entu mereti ka article ti digoogle aku di atas nyin...tang perkataan Cancer udah ngasoh ati kesal....amai labuh hati udah aku nerima berita dalam pukul 3 lemai kemari.....nyau ka setengah taun tudah kaban aku nadai ngirim sms / talipaun madah ka rita diri, ta mukai-mukai lemai kemari nganjung sms ka aku nanya ka berita.Apooo pia ko aku, kini tuju nuan lama enda bebunyi, aku nganti nuan kuntek aku pia ko tudah......aku ukai engai kuntek nuan ko aku, aku ngadang nuan sibuk pia ko aku nyuat...
kaban aku to udah mindah ngawa laban nitih ka laki tudah ka nyadi pengajar di kuching, tambah mega seduai udah meli rumah dedin, lalu tudah berunding ka nambah ka bala "rakyat" laban bisi indai ia ngibun...maya sidak sebilik mindah ari tu suba, anak ia mina 2 iko aja, siko laki, siko indu. Ia ka laki baru darjah 1, ia ka indu baru 4 taun enti enda salah aku.....
Udah bertambah bala rakyat nuan, ko aku balas sms ia......."nadai betambah, enda akan bertambah, aku diato benong sakit, aku ngidap kanser lymporma stage 4, aku baru tembu kimo, to cycle ke 2"........nyau ka manjung aku maca sms tudah....asai ka dalam mimpi.....selemai-lemainya sambil aku bersms ngau tudah air mata aku sigi enda rangkai....."berat aku diato dah susut ngai 37kg aja, ko ia"
ke penudi kami duai bekuntek dalam pun bulan 3 to kemari, tudah mai aku sama-sama nyambung belajar ngambi master, tang aku bedau nyangup laban bedau besedia.....sinu amai ati aku ngenang enti udah ingat ka ia keran ka nyambung belajar......nyau enda nemu bejako agi.......................
Nama berita ktk wai... rindu maca blog kitak.
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